Law of Expectations

Before something manifests in this world, it first appears as a thought or image in someone's mind. Your thoughts color the windows of your world; your beliefs become the foundation of your experiences. In other words, every positive thought is a sentence, and every sentence is answered.

Only the deepest concepts you have assumed have the power to shape your reality.

What you see depends on where you choose to look, and where you look at what you expect to see: If you believe, for example, that people cannot be trusted, you will see the world through the filter of these expectations and subconsciously go in search of evidence that support your expectation.

Your beliefs influence the alternatives you choose, the directions you take, even the friends, adversaries, and destiny you find. Your beliefs set in motion inner processes and behaviors that influence how you move, act, and feel.

At more subtle levels, your thoughts even affect the color of your energy field, to which other people respond. If, for example, you perceive the people around you as friends you like, you are relaxed and expansive; your energy and behavior brings them closer to you. This is one of the ways how your expectations shape your reality.

The challenge is to overcome negative thoughts that stop you. It is not enough that you repeat yourself over and over again that you can do it, not while your deepest doubts are robbing you of the manifestation of your Spiritual Intelligence, taking away your focus and strength.

Before you can do something, you must believe it; you must wait for it. Before you do, you see it happen in your mind.

In your daily life, if you create positive images, happy circumstances, and successful results, they become real to your deepest mind, which builds on such experiences to attract similar ones.

The Law of Expectations reminds you of your intrinsic power to shape your life through images and expectations that you create. By airing all your doubts, you pluck them from the depths of your mind so that they dissolve in the light of consciousness.

New expectations bring new alternatives. Don't expect experiences to confirm this for you. Create a positive vision of what you would like and you will surely get it.

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