Law of Cycles

The natural world dances to the music of change: the passing of the seasons, the revolutions of the heavens, and the day turning into night. All things happen at their own right time, changing and growing, appearing and disappearing, growing and decreasing, ebb and flow.

This is the Law of Cycles: Anything that goes up goes down, and anything that goes down can go up again.

The winds of change can come like a fierce hurricane, destroying your life, or like a gentle breeze that takes care of your face. That change is the only constant, and it happens in its own way, in its own right time.

Change by itself is not difficult. It happens as naturally as a sunset. But most of us look for familiar routines to create a sense of control and order, so change may seem like a blessing or a curse.

The Law of Cycles reminds us that as the seasons change, so must we, that our old habits should not control our lives, that our past does not have to become our future, and that the inertia of change leads us to greater awareness, wisdom, and peace.

Instead of wishing for summer in the middle of the cold winter or asking for cool winds on the sultry summer days, embrace each season for its own gifts. Align with the cycles of time and transformation, sailing on change like ships on waves.

The Law of Cycles also reveals how to fully cooperate in your own evolution, be an expert in mastering time, and find great fortunes.

All things have a more favorable and a less favorable moment.

Doors open and close; energies rise and fall. A thought or action initiated when energy is rising or gaining momentum easily travels to completion, but a thought or action initiated in a cycle of descent has little impact.

This is when the Law of Cycles combines with the Law of Action to reveal that patience is the best part of wisdom - the wisdom of knowing when to act and when to be calm, when to speak and when to be silent, when to work and when to rest, when to get into the energy of a cycle under construction and when to wait for the next wave.

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