Hakēsh (Fernando Caicedo Albarello): #Spiritual #Digital #Coach

Aware of its indigo essence, it has developed its extrasensory faculties progressively over time, with the aim of fulfilling its mission on Earth: to transform the lives of human beings on a planetary level.

He uses clairthinking to understand people's intellectual needs and to receive fundamental information. Likewise, he makes use of clarisentience, an innate ability that allows him to identify the physical illnesses, blockages and pain of living beings. He has a natural ability to connect with the fields of information to acquire and generate knowledge from multiple intelligences and transdisciplinarity.

He has a long career as a coach and spiritual companion, a task that began at age 15 supporting the physical healing of seniors. His many experiences as a bioenergetic healer include the healing of arthritis, brain tumors and chronic heart problems. Likewise, it has provided support for the recovery of vertebral fractures, severe scoliosis, cerebral and abdominal aneurysms.

A polymath par excellence, he is a contemporary Renaissance man. In his rigorous research he has documented countless fields of study and has served in several of them.

He is the author of books on autotherapy, mutualism, visual arts and poetry; and he has participated as editor and proofreader in various publications covering short narrative, poetry and academic essay.

In his professional role he has served as a branding, digital strategy and information technology consultant for government entities, non-profit organizations and private companies in America and Europe.