
Hygienism comes from the Greek word "hygiene", which means "art of living".

His teachings have been derived from the observation and investigation of nature, of all its forms of life, of the biology, anatomy, physiology and psychology of the human being, in the experience of all the evolution of humanity and in itself experience of 150 years of hygienism.

If we learn to take care of our body, following some favorable habits of life on a physical, mental, emotional and energetic level, we will avoid exhausting ourselves from intoxication until we get sick. We cannot constantly depend on our health for drugs, we must take charge of our health and be self-responsible.

From hygienism it is recommended:

1. Diet rich in fruits, vegetables, oleaginous fruits and seeds, if possible organic, and raw.
2. Avoid medications.
3. Practice fasting when the body feels it necessary.
4. Live or frequent harmonious environments to recharge our vital energy with nature.
5.Avoid cold or intense heat.
6.Internal and external cleaning, using natural products.
7. Rest well.
8. Practice some physical exercise.
9 Sun and natural light.
10 Relate to other humans we feel good about.
11. Confidence in life.
12. Motivation and commitment to activities that make us feel good.
13. be happy with yourself
14. Humor, joy, laughter Music, dance, leisure activities
15. Peace, harmony and tranquility. Friendship and companionship.

Throughout history we find numerous examples of people who practiced vital hygiene: the Essenes, the Hunzas, the Vilcabambos etc ... groups that have stood out for their extraordinary longevity and for their high level of health. In addition to characters such as Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Leonardo da Vinci or Mahatma Gandhi, among others. Currently in Spain there is a Hygienic Coordinator where nursing homes or health schools are grouped. They edit the magazine Curarse en salud. In our country there are Spanish, Basque and Catalan doctors and hygienist authors, among them are: Dr. Karmelo Bizkarra, Dr. Eneko Landaburu, Dr. Juan José Núñez, Dr. Antonio Palomar, Irene Gelpì, Enric Ser, José Manuel Casado Sierra, Baltasar Lorenzo "Balta", Marc Ams and many others.

Source: https://tuguiadenutricion.blogspot.com/p/el-higienismo.html

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