A positive environment

A positive environment has three basic characteristics:

  1. It stimulates creativity (use of colors, maintaining good order, introducing changes to break the routine ...).
  2. It calms the brain programmed to survive, eliminating possible threats to our physical security (rounded shapes of furniture, not turning away from a door ...).
  3. It inspires the brain with details and shapes that train it to be more positive (natural light, inspiring images and phrases, aesthetic architectural elements, good natural views).

Decorating is much more than creating beautiful environments! Spaces influence your mind and emotions, and can make you feel more relaxed, safer, more creative. It is not necessarily that you spend more money, but that you optimize what you already have. We are going to give you clues that do not require expenses, but a reorganization of your space. Try it and look at the results!

"The space we live in should be for the person we are becoming now, not the person we were in the past."
Marie Kondo