A Little Chinese Revolution: Qigong Breathing

Traditional Chinese medicine has been practiced for thousands of years. It is based on the belief that we have a vital force that flows throughout our body - the qi or xi - that determines our well-being and health. Qigong is a practice that includes breathing exercises.

The most basic practice of qigong breathing focuses on deep abdominal breathing, which allows us, among other benefits, to oxygenate ourselves better, and according to Chinese medicine, to have more qi, or vital energy, in the body.

To practice qi breathing

  • Sit or lie down, with your back well aligned.
  • Put your hands on the abdomen.
  • Close your eyes and watch your breathing for a few moments.
  • Now take a deep breath, always through your nose, filling your abdomen with air.
  • Leave your hands, or put a book, on the abdomen, to feel how it swells.
  • Breathe softly and deeply, through the nose, without making noise.
  • Keep your mind focused on the breath.
  • When you exhale, do it slowly, and if you want, press your hands a little over the abdomen to help empty the air.
  • When you have completed the inhalation, hold the air for a few seconds before exhaling, even try adding three more breaths.
  • Then release the air slowly, and when you have exhaled everything, try to hold on for a few seconds and do three short exhalations to get the air out.
  • You can breathe like this for five minutes, or anytime you need to regain strength and serenity.