Vivi Cervera: Author and Ho’Oponopono practitioner

Autobiography of the author

I started this path just like you did and many times I felt confused and without direction, but I clung to the constant pronunciation of the 4 words that heal without asking anyone, without questioning myself if I was doing it right or wrong, I only mentioned them once. and again. Then everything changed. This is why I would suggest that you always carry them with you because they are your passport to the freedom that your intellect has deprived you of.

Although I never took any course regarding the Hawaiian philosophy called ho'oponopono, it was through its constant practice, the teachers I met along the way and my inspirations about it that I wrote some articles and how I started to heal my life However, one day I realized that I had to continue working with the 4 healing words, without using the word ho'oponopono, first of all because that word is a registered trademark and therefore restricted due to copyright. And secondly because my teaching is expanded and covers many topics that are not included in the Hawaiian philosophy in question.

Apart from everything, since my intention has never been to go against the current, I continue with my mission, supported by words that are free to use. All the articles, audios and videos that I made with the word ho'oponopono at the time, were a gift to you.

I am not the type of woman who can show titles, diplomas or medals; I do not have it. I am someone exactly like you; someone whom life brought here in strange and unexpected ways. I am Colombian, I live in Mexico and you can contact me by writing an email to where Sofía Córdova will reply.